Here's an interesting situation;
I just did a drop-in replacement of the RC-AC68U acting in Media Bridge mode using Merlin as a substitute to my WUMC710 (Linksys) to bridge against my RT8000 (NetGear).
What I'm noticing is that ZeroConf/Bonjour/Avahi/mDNS is not propagating properly between the wired and wireless interface of the RT-AC68U.
I've isolated this using Bonjour Browsers at different points of the network, and the current hypothesis seems to point towards...
RC-AC68U - Media Bridge mode - Bonjour/ZeroConf/Multicast filtering?
I just did a drop-in replacement of the RC-AC68U acting in Media Bridge mode using Merlin as a substitute to my WUMC710 (Linksys) to bridge against my RT8000 (NetGear).
What I'm noticing is that ZeroConf/Bonjour/Avahi/mDNS is not propagating properly between the wired and wireless interface of the RT-AC68U.
I've isolated this using Bonjour Browsers at different points of the network, and the current hypothesis seems to point towards...
RC-AC68U - Media Bridge mode - Bonjour/ZeroConf/Multicast filtering?